Season 2 | Episode 12: Mahesh Gordhan

Watch the interview here

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On 8th March 2008 I underwent a significant transformation upon discovering my new psychic abilities. It made me aware of the tools that are available to all of us in terms of personal development. I have gone on to explore spirituality in greater depths, furthering my own spiritual abilities and assisting others to achieve their own greater sense of self-awareness and as a result transform their lives.

As a passionately driven individual, my focus is on helping to bring out the goodness in people. In addition to being a trained counselor, I have studied an extensive array of spiritual modalities. I have undertaken studies at the London College of Psychic Studies and am a certified Reiki Healer.

I have undertaken a plethora of work with curious and like-minded individuals. As a medium for channeling energy, past life information, and spirits, in many instances, I have helped people overcome fears and unlock the tools required to achieve their life goals, and ultimately, happiness. I have numerous testimonials and more importantly, I provide people the tools to ensure they achieve the happiness they desire.

I am originally from New Zealand and have spent the past 10 years living in the United Kingdom with three years in London. I now run the School of Spirituality Meetup group, which currently has over 1,600 members. For more information please visit the website of Spirituality-org/). The School of Spirituality has developed a spiritually based teaching programme, the core part of which covers a range of skills development, which takes participants on a holistic journey of spiritual enlightenment with the aim of recognizing and developing one’s own abilities, leading to a greater understanding of the self and more freedom and empowerment in one's life. 


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Facebook: Mahesh Gordhan
LinkedIn: Mahesh Gordhan

season 2Shaina Longstreet